How to deal with “Snack Attacks”

Snack attack n – A temporary mental condition when one has an unexplained, insatiable desire to munch on snacks, especially those that are very unhealthy.

Everyone gets snack attacks every now and then, especially mugging students who stay through the night and fellow ladies during the special time of the month.

For the health nuts, well, they take nuts to ease the snack attack.

For the bo-chap people, a category which I sometimes fall under, they just grab a bag of chips, ignoring the high level of fats and carbohydrates. Who cares about potential double chins, big thighs, love handles, flabby arms when I need to STOP this snack attack NOW?

For the guilty, they just find a compromise.

And for me, this compromise comes in the form of THIS:


The Compromise - Calbee's Snow Pea Crisps!

Don’t mean to advertise but this has got to be the best snack ever… It’s a little unhealthy (because it’s still processed food) but the fact that it is baked, has low fat level, comes from a Japanese brand and tastes super light, is good enough for me. Calbee really makes the best snacks, and with this, they’ve added another good snack to their stable. Give it a try! Good things I sure intro one…. Haha!

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